Successful Hisex seminars held in Taiwan

Published on March 26, 2018

Successful Hisex seminars held in Taiwan

We were very honored to participate in a local seminar in Tainan and Taichun, Taiwan to support commercial layer customers.

On 20 and 21 March 2018 , two seminars were organized in Taiwan in Tainan and Taichung, with the support of our distributor for Hisex White and Hisex Brown,  Mr. Levin Huang, General Manager, from YOUNG KONG POULTRY FARMS. More than 200 commercial layer farm customers participated and made these events a success.


Our two guest presenters, Julien Fablet and Paul Grignon Dumoulin, spoke on Genetic Progress and Egg Size Control, respectively. We were helped during this presentation with translation services in Taiwanese by Paloma Tsai. At the end of each day, Mr. Levin Huang,  informed the audience about the latest performance of the Hisex White layer, 425 eggs at 90 weeks of age, making the Hisex White the layer you can count on.

研討會邀請二位來自漢德克育種公司蛋雞部門的專家蒞臨演講,遺傳專家Mr.Julien Fablet說明蛋雞的遺傳育種演進,技術服務總監Dr.Paul Grignon Dumoulin說明雞蛋重量(大小)的控制,很榮幸邀請蔡文慈小姐擔任翻譯,與會客戶都很滿意此次的演講內容。黃烈文總經理特別提醒與會客戶,最近漢德克HISEX白殼蛋雞的生產性能已達產蛋425粒/90週齡,是最佳蛋雞種的選擇。

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